This is the online extension of our classroom this semester (2007 Fall Term) at the SVRSS. The content here is being created by real students in a real classroom. Enjoy learning from and with each other...

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Graphmatica Download

Everything in red may be unique to my computer, so you might be able to ignore it.

I'm using Firefox, so if your using some other browser it might be a little different.

Go to

A window should automatically pop up asking if you just want to open it and with what or if you want to save it to your disc (if this doesn't happen there are links on the page called Download Link 1 and Download Link 2, If that doesn't work you/I can find you another website to download it from). If you want to keep graphmatica on your computer you should save it to disk. I will save it to disk.

A zip folder will appear on your desktop. Open it (double click).

There are two files in the folder, 1) README and 2) setup. Double click setup. Since I'm not the administrator on my computer a window has popped up asking me if I want to download the program as the administrator. I don't have the password, so I'll just continue and hope nothing goes wrong.

Now it's asking you/us to affirm where you want to save the files and how much space you need and have. I've got more than enough space (you need 501 K, I have 12740572 K). Most home computers (that I've seen) have a folder called program files in the C: drive. This is the default folder where most if not all programs are stored when you download them. I don't think I'll change it.

Start... and I can't. I guess since I'm not the administrator I can't modify the files of some of the C: drive... or something like that, so I'll save it in My Documents.

Start... and just like that, it's done

The next window has view readme file and run installed application automatically selected. If your not doing math this instant you probably don't need to open graphmatica (unless you want to play with it) and if you got this far in the setup process you don't need the readme file (thought it is nicely organized, compared to other readme files). You can delete the zip folder on your desktop now.

and on the side...
I believe (since I got excited about how easy that was and wanted to see if it really worked) a window comes up with the actual files. Know, if you put it on the desktop you are not creating a copy, that is the application. If you delete it you delete the application and you will have to uninstall the files that are on you computer and redo the setup process all over again (which is not all that hard or time consuming).


1 comment:

Ryan Maksymchuk said...


Really nice work here. You've once again exceeded my expectations for what I asked you to do. On behalf of your classmates, thank you, thank you, thank you...