This is the online extension of our classroom this semester (2007 Fall Term) at the SVRSS. The content here is being created by real students in a real classroom. Enjoy learning from and with each other...

Friday, November 16, 2007

"Friday's Fantastic Voyage in Room 204"- November 16th Scribe

We started off the day by doing our 22nd Mental Math Quiz.

We next individually went up and had a homework check on our questions that were due today on "Solving Linear Programming Problems."(One we picked ourself and one chossen by Mr. Maks)

These questions were similar to a previous unit we did on "Linear Equations." So i think that most of out class caught on fast, even though you used a slightly different technique to solve the questions.(Using the Zone of Feasibility) For this reason, it seems like we are all doing quite well and understanding the questions assigned.
While we were waiting to have our homewrok checked, we worked on Accelerated Math. In fact, we pretty much had the whole class to work on Accelerated Math to finish our forty some objectives that need to be completed for the end of the month. The scriber for Monday's class is "Patzer."

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