This is the online extension of our classroom this semester (2007 Fall Term) at the SVRSS. The content here is being created by real students in a real classroom. Enjoy learning from and with each other...

Monday, October 15, 2007

Scribe for Oct.12

Today in class we started off with mental math as usual. Then we had a summary of what we learned yesterday. (I wasn’t left any screenshots of anything so I will try to summarize what was written.)
We talked about the “a” value, and how the bigger the number the skinnier the opening in the parabola,
Ex: y-k=a(x-h)^2
And the smaller the number the wider the opening is.
Ex: Y-1=-.15(x-(-2))^2

We also found a way to find the vertex of a parabola on a calculator.
By putting in an equation
Ex: Y=x^2+6+4
You enter “Y=6x+x^2+4” into you Y= screen the graph the equation.
It should look something like this:
By pressing the keys 2nd, TRACE, 3. You can find the minimum. It is the minimum because the vertex is below the x-axis. The go to the left side of the vertex when it asks for the “Left Bound?” then press ENTER. Then it will ask “Right Bound?” so you go to the right of the vertex and press ENTER. *(NOTE) It doesn’t matter how far left or right you go as long as you are on the side it is asking for*. The it will say “Guess?” you press ENTER and you will get you answer which in this case is (-3,-5).
The we worked on our Accelerated math (which is due soon) till the end of class.

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