Grade 11 Applied Math Block 3

This is the online extension of our classroom this semester (2007 Fall Term) at the SVRSS. The content here is being created by real students in a real classroom. Enjoy learning from and with each other...

Thursday, January 31, 2008

TED Talks: Arthur Benjamin

Exams... tomorrow... study... formula sheet...

I feel I must leave something...

Friday, January 25, 2008


Exams are right around the corner. So make sure you have your formula sheets completed by Monday January 28 th by 10:30.
Our exam this year has two parts, both of which are in Mr. Max's Classroom. The first part is monday at 10:30 till 12:30..... yes thats this coming monday january 28. The second part is on Thursday January 31st at 12:50 till 3:40.

Good luck to everyone!!!!

******** first part is long answer (show all your work), second part is like Accelerated Math.... its multiple choice.*********

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Tuesday, January 22

Today Mr Max was with the grade twelves because they were wrighting their provincial exams. Our class was suppost to spend the block in either the resource center or the cafeteria.

**Reminder that part one of our exam is on Monday during class and part two is on Tuesday afternoon at 12:05 in Mr Max's room**

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Tuesday, January 15th 2008

Beginning of class we got our Blogging Self- Assessment, which is due by Friday! Remember, dont be too hard on yourself, or too easy on yourself, Max will mark you close to what you deserve based on how well you did the days you were scribed to blog.

For the remaining of class, we reviewed circles. He gave us questions similar to the ones he'll be giving us for our quiz later on this week.. Which, in my opinion is sooooooo difficult.. But Tony The Tiger did always say .... "Practise Makes Perfect".. well he also says "YOUUUUUUR GRREAT!" haha, anyway, sorry a little carried away.

Anyway, So!
Homework question due for tomorrow, on circles. yayy.
Well, Cook is scribe for tomorrow
I'm gone for a trip to Assissippi.

p.s, in order to help you with your circle questions, review your Circle Properties notes!

Monday, January 14, 2008

Monday Janurary 14th, 2008

Today is January 14th, 2008. Today in day one. First of all when we got to class many of us learned what "E-mail" really meant. The definition of E-mail is Electronic Email. To tell the truth I had no idea what "E-mail" meant until today. Then Mr. Max told us specail things to pay attention to which were:

1) Exam - Two Parts!
- PART ONE: Long Answer, Monday January 28th at 10:30 in room 204 with a noon hour extension to a maximum of 12:30 p.m. Format being constructed response (show your work).

- PART TWO: Selected Response (multiple choice) Thursday, Janurary 31st at 12:50 p.m. in room 204 (Until buses come)

2) Blog Rubric
- Fill out the Blog Rubric, and if Mr. Max agrees, then you will receive the marks. It is out of fifteen.

3) Accelerated Math
- The deadline is Friday Januray 18th, for 50 mastered objectives.
- Friday, February 1st, is the last day possible to scan at 12:00 noon.

4) Circle Geometry Quiz
- One on One with Mr. Max, prior to the end of the course.

We Also made a spread sheet on how to figure out what we need to get on the exam in order to pass the class.

Monday, January 14th

** Did you know that e-mail is short for Electronic Mail??

Important things to Pay Attention To...
1) exam -- TWO parts !

part1- Long Answer, Monday, Jan. 28th @ 10:30 room 204 with a noon-hour extension to a mazimum of 12:30 p.m.. FORMAT being constructed response (show your work)
part2- Selected Response (multiple choice) Thursday, Jan. 31st @ 12:50 p.m in room 204 (untilbuses arrive is your maximum time)

2) Blog Rubric
- fill it out according to your opinion on the marks you should recieve, if Max agrees you'll get the marks. Total out of 15

3) Acccelerated Math- DUE FRIDAY, Jan 18th. Total of objectives is 50
- Friday, Feb. 1, Last possible day to scan @ 12:00 noon

4) Circle Geometry Quiz
(one-on-one with Max, prior to the end of the course)

** we also did a spreadsheet on figuring out your mark in order to pass the course, what you need to get on the exam. You can find it on the courswork file labeled How To Figure Out Your Mark!

Good luck studying everyone! i'm blogging tomorrow as well
: Chev

Countdown to Exams...

Today Mr. Maks discussed with our class about exams and next week. Since there is a grade 12 provincials math exam on Monday and Tuesday, we will not be residinging in this classroom but in either the resource center or the cafeteria for those two days.

Here is a list of things to strive to accomplish or to remember for the end of this semester.
Important things to pay attention to....

1. Exam (two parts)
Part 1- Longer answer
Monday, Jan. 8th @ 10:30 Room 204

*noon hour extension to maximum of 12:30 p.m.
*constructed response (SHOW ALL WORK)

Part 2- Selected Response (multiple choice)
Thursday, Jan. 31st @ 12:50 Room 204
(untill 3:40= max time)

*** Final exam worth 30%

2. Blog Ruberic

- fill out, if i agree you get the marks, out of 15

3. Accelerated Math
- Friday (first deadline) out of 50
- Jan. 18th
- Friday, Feb. 1st, Last possible day to scan
(53+ objectives)

4. Circle Geometry Quiz
-one on one with Mr. Maks