This is the online extension of our classroom this semester (2007 Fall Term) at the SVRSS. The content here is being created by real students in a real classroom. Enjoy learning from and with each other...

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Blogging Self-Assessment

As we near the end of this course, I'm looking for your assistance in generating a 'score' for your contributions via the blog for the semester....Specifically, and with respect to the photocopied handout entitled, "Blog Scribing in Room 204", use these questions to help you formulate in your own mind an idea of what mark you deserve. I'll hand out a rubric in class to help you finalize an actual score, with weighting....

1. Did you blog when you were supposed to? (within 24 hours?), (and every time you were supposed to?)

2. Do your posts contain relevant screen shots from my Sympodium, incorporated in a meaningful way?

3. Have you ever commented meaningfully to another student's post? Were you gracious, decent, sincere, and timely?

4. Did you just do the bare minimum or did you actually take some time to contribute something worthwhile and meaningful to your classmates?

5. How is your spelling / grammar on the blog? Would your ELA teacher approve or disapprove of your language presentation?

6. Do you think I might have any constructive criticisms of your efforts? If so, consider these accordingly...

7. Did you ever contribute a meaningful image, link, thought, idea that was beyond the scope of classroom discussion. Did you ever exceed the expectation of your responsibilities to your classmates?

The only way that I believe that you should consider awarding yourself full marks in this category of your assessment for this course is if you can honestly and sincerely reflect upon these questions and award all the marks available as a result. Some of you deserve these marks, but some of you certainly do not. The rubric I hand out in class will help you determine an actual score....

Comments here might be appropriate if you have any reflections to share about this process

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